Discontinued 90s Crisps: Unforgettable Snack Gems!

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A simple packet of crisps is the ultimate go-to snack anyone can munch on. I don’t know about you, but have you noticed that a few of your favourites have been permanently removed from the shelves? Here are some of the discontinued 90s crisps that we are sad to see go:

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Walkers Sensations gently infused lime with Thai Spices

Walker’s sensations range is no stranger to the supermarket isles, practically dominating the shelves with their bold, exotic and not to mention their intense packet designs. Little is left to the imagination as the bursting flavours live up to those expectations.

Sadly, Walkers gently infused lime with Thai spices have seen an everlasting departure from our lives. A favourite by many, we won’t experience an intense tang of lime followed by a medley of delicately spiced heat ever again- a single packet, and you’ll feel as though you’ve drifted into the enchanting mountains of Chang Mai.

Hula Hoops XL for the win!

Shaped as short, hollow cylinders, Hula Hoops are without a doubt the most recognisable crisp going. So what’s better than a normal packet of Hula Hoops? Well, that would be a GIANT packet of Hula Hoops.

One of the most common problems about eating crisps is that before you know it, you’ve finished them all. The Hula Hoops XL decided to resolve this problem by giving you more for your buck with these supersized crisps. With a range of flavours loved by all, it’s one to be missed by many.

Monster Munch Vanilla Ice Cream

Monster Munch Vanilla Ice Cream crisps were probably one of the more controversial crisps released, and many are happy that they didn’t last long for consumer consumption. Kudos to the person who thought ice cream and crisps could potentially become a massive hit. After all, life is about taking risks. Unfortunately, in this case, it didn’t work out. Sorry.

Twiglets Worcester Sauce Flavour

Bring back the Twiglets Worcester SauceThe exact title of an online petition many have signed. If that doesn’t show people’s love for this sadly discontinued crisp, we don’t know what does. People have even shared their distress about these delicious crisps on Reddit, wondering what happened and why they suddenly disappeared. Twiglets Worcester Sauce is definably the one-hit wonder that everybody hoped to stick around.

An infamous pack of discontinued 90s crisps: Hedgehog crisps!

With such a wholesome name, Hedgehog crisps had quite a novelty flavour. But, just in case you’re worried, no, these are not made from real hedgehogs. Created in 1981 by a chap named Phillip Lewis, an ordinary landlord of the Vaults public house in Welshpool, he decided to invent these crisps as some sort of a joke.

A joke that turned into controversy within the Trade Descriptions Act 1968. Claiming that crisps are “Hedgehog flavour” despite not actually containing any hedgehogs is misleading and so, strictly speaking, were not actually hedgehog flavour.

TWotsits Waffles (What a comeback in 2012!)

Waffles! We love waffles. Anything waffled in shape brings endless joy. Better yet, bacon flavoured. Doesn’t bacon and waffles go so well with one another? This combination was just an amazing flavour. The mild hint of a cheesy taste just added to its deliciousness. Just like the Twiglets Worcester Sauce, these Wotsits Waffles have multiple social media accounts, from Facebook to Instagram, created by dedicated fans that are saddened to see them go and with just one end goal in mind. Bring back the Wotsits Waffles. Please?

Amazingly enough, they did make a brief re-appearance in the early 2010s but our joy was short lived when they were soon discontinued once again!

Ready Salted Chipsticks

You may have still seen this one recently in supermarkets. It is super recognisable with its stick-like appearance (or fry-like shape). It gives a satisfying crunch when snacking. So why is it on here if it’s not discontinued, you may ask? If you examine closely, only the salt and vinegar flavours are to be seen. We have searched far and wide, and sadly the good old ready-salted taste is no longer to be found. Very illogical indeed, as ready-salted is very tasty, and we are definitely salty about this.

Cheese Space Raiders, for just 10p!

A corner shop classic! Sporting an iconic green alien on the packet, Space Raiders are a firm favourite by children and adults alike due to their affordability, unique concept, and tangy taste. Although the pickled onion Space Raiders are still available in shops, sadly, we’ve seen the cheese-flavoured ones make a hasty departure back to their UFO. Regrettably, they will no longer be visiting earth.

Jacob’s Mini Cheddar Crinklys

The cousin of the original mini cheddars, these crinkly cheddars had a delightful texture to them. Baked and crinkled for a great flavour, each bite would leave you wanting more. So why did they go? Unfortunately, it is a question nobody really knows.

Our final discontinued 90s crisps: Jacob’s Oddities

The perfect snack doesn’t exist- enter Jacob’s Oddities. These cheesy baked snacks are shaped into various odd objects. You’ll never know what kind of shaped crisp you’d be picking out next. Perhaps the element of surprise is what had drawn people into really liking this one.

They look good in any type of lunch box, thus being the most ultimately supreme school-lunch snack. You would have been the coolest kid in school. Would have. Just like all good things have to come to an end, we sadly have to announce that these cheesy baked snacks are no longer with us.

Goodbye discontinued 90s crisps; we shall never forget you

It is always hard to see anything go forever, and some of our favourite 90s crisps that had defined most of our childhoods have sadly been discontinued. Others you may not have been too fond of, but still, the nostalgia is what brings back wholesome memories from certain flavours to the entire crisps brand disappearing completely. So it is only natural to feel some sort of heartbreak.

So, remember to cherish your current favourite crisps snack, as it may one day possibly become a flavour of the past.

If you’re interested in more discontinued 90s snacks, don’t miss our articles on 90s Bubblegum and 90s Candy. They offer more savory and sweet treats from our 90s food collection!