Get Inspired: 100 Inventive 90s Cupcakes Ideas!

90s Cupcakes Ideas

The 1990s were a decade of great change and innovation, and the world of food was no exception. Cupcakes, in particular, saw a major surge in popularity during this time, thanks in part to the rise of celebrity chefs and baking shows. But what made 90s cupcakes so special?

Table of Contents

Colour Schemes for 90s Cupcakes

The color schemes of the 90s were quite varied and vibrant, reflecting the eclectic and dynamic nature of the decade. We’d suggest using any of these colours for the icing on your 90s cupcakes depending on the type of party you’re throwing and in the case of a birthday, the personality of whoever’s big day it is!

Neon Colours in the 90s

A colour palette showing 90s neon colours

The 90s saw a surge in the popularity of neon colors, often seen in the techno scene. These bright, fluorescent colors can be used in the icing or decorations of the cupcakes. Think neon pink, electric blue, or vibrant green.

90s Jewel Tones

jewel tone colour palette from the 90s

The 90s were also known for jewel-colored fashion, featuring rich blues, bright purples, deep greens, and hot reds. These colors can be used in the cupcake batter or icing to create a bold, 90s look.

Grunge Colours from the 1990s

The Grunge color palette of the 90s

The grunge scene of the 90s brought darker, subdued colors into style, such as dark plum and forest green. These could be used in the cupcake decorations or toppers to give a nod to the grunge aesthetic.

Pastel Colours of the 90s

A colour palette of 90s pastel colours

Pastel colors were also popular in the 90s, particularly in the kawaii or “cute” aesthetic. These soft colors can be used in the icing or decorations for a softer, more whimsical look.

Introducing Cupcake Toppers

Cupcake toppers are decorative elements that are placed on top of cupcakes to enhance their appearance and sometimes to convey a specific theme or message. They can be made from a variety of materials, including but not limited to:

What do you make Cupcake Toppers out of?

Edible Materials: These can include fondant, marzipan, chocolate, or sugar paste. Edible toppers can be shaped into virtually any design, from simple shapes and letters to intricate figures and scenes.

Non-Edible Materials: These can include paper, plastic, or wood. Non-edible toppers are often used for decorative purposes and are removed before eating the cupcake. They can be particularly useful for themed parties or events.

How do you use Cupcake Toppers?

Bake and Cool Your Cupcakes: Before you can add a topper, you need to bake your cupcakes and let them cool completely. If the cupcakes are still warm, the toppers may melt or become misshapen.

Ice Your Cupcakes: Once your cupcakes are cool, you can add icing. The icing not only adds flavor and visual appeal, but it also acts as a kind of glue for your toppers.

Add Your Toppers: Once your cupcakes are iced, you can add your toppers. If you’re using edible toppers, you can simply place them on top of the icing. If you’re using non-edible toppers, you may need to insert them into the top of the cupcake.

90s Cupcake Ideas that need Toppers:

There are some cupcake 90s themed ideas that simply cannot be pulled off without the help of a Cupcake topper! So without further ado, below you can find numerous examples from across Twitter that are brought to life by toppers!

Football Toppers for 90s Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes with football toppers

Fashion Toppers for 90s Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes with all things retro

Star Wars Toppers for 90s Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes from Star Wars

Retro Toppers for 90s Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes with retro toppers

Music Toppers for 90s Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes from Music Bands

Postman Pat Toppers for 90s Cupcakes

Postman Pat Toppers for 90s cupcakes

Creative 90s Cupcake Ideas

Not all Cupcake ideas from the 90s need toppers and can instead be done yourself. Here’s a countdown of the best ones we’ve found online!

Spongebob Squarepants Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes from Spongebob Squarepants

Retro sweets! Jelly Worm Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes with classic candys

90s Anime Deathmask Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes from Deathmask

90s Classic Sweets Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes with Penny Sweets

The Muppets Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes from the Muppets

Beetle Juice Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes from Bettle Juice

Polly Pocket Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes from Polly Pocket

Mario & Luigi Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes from the computer game Mario

American Diner Cupcakes

A selection of 90s cupcakes showing an american diner

Generic Shapes & Iconography for 90s Cupcakes

The 90s were characterized by a variety of shapes, iconography, and designs that were reflective of the era’s pop culture, technology, and fashion trends. You can see lots of 90s pattern examples on 

We have a whole article on the shapes and iconography of the 90s so if you want know more about how to create that ‘classic’ 90s look, then head on over to 90s Iconography, the aesthetic of an era!

Rounding up 90s Cupcakes

90s-themed cupcakes are a delightful way to take a trip down memory lane and celebrate the vibrancy and creativity of this iconic decade. From the bold color schemes to the nostalgic shapes and designs, these cupcakes are sure to be a hit at any event. Whether you’re using neon colors to reflect the techno scene, jewel tones to represent the fashion trends, or iconic 90s toppers, there’s no limit to the fun and creativity you can express!

If you’re interested in more 90s baking ideas, then why not head over to our article about 90s Cakes, you know… the big ones! We have even more ideas and examples there covering Movies, TV Shows, Celebrities & Trends!